The focus is on regional research and innovation policies, including new tools and approaches, and this call is split into three distinct areas
A call for project applications under the 'Research and Innovation' programme within the European Framework Programme Six (FP6) has been published.
The overall budget for these proposals is €17.3 million.
The focus is on regional innovation policies, including new tools and approaches, and this call is split into three distinct areas.
Regional innovation strategies.
Projects funded will develop regional strategies in the new member states who have not yet benefited from funding under previous calls.
The implementing region must form a partnership with at least one region in the European Economic Area.
Innovation policy impact assessment at regional level.
A series of pilot projects are sought to develop research and innovation policy impact assessment systems that can be transferred to other European regions.
This call is particularly relevant to regional organisations in the field of innovation/economics/regional development agencies.
Support processes.
A number of Support Actions will be funded to enhance the implementation of the action plans from regional innovation strategies in the new accession countries (Ris-Nac).
The deadline for applications is 16 June 2004.
In addition, the Commission has published a separate call for proposals for an intellectual property rights helpdesk.
The contract involves assisting potential and current contractors taking part in research projects, specifically with intellectual property rights (IPR), finance and exploitation issues.