Two-channel wireless data acquisition system can be used to monitor physiological parameters such as EEG, EMG, EOG or PSG in small laboratory animals that weigh 100 grams or more
The RatPaak is a new low noise two-channel wireless data acquisition system used to monitor physiological parameters such as electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram (EMG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electrooculogram (EOG), or polysomnography (PSG) in small laboratory animals that weigh 100 grams or more.
The system consists of a small compact integrated transmitter with a form factor that it can be used on rats and other small animals.
The device, which includes a state-of-the-art analog to digital (A/D) converter, miniature MicroSynth RF radio transmitter, and a microprocessor.
The unit weighs about 7g and can transmit signals to a nearby receiver up to a distance of 15m.
The receiver provides real-time viewing of signal data by sending the data to the receiver which is connected to the serial port of a personal computer.
Data can be viewed using BioCapture software and simultaneously saved to the PC hard drive.
Ascii conversion tools can be utilised to provide data analysis in software packages such as Matlab, Labview, and Excel.
The RatPaak opens new areas of research by offering the capabilities of real-time monitoring of unrestrained animals in their natural environments.