An Indentec handheld digital tester has done wonders for hardness testing at VOR Transmissions in the UK West Midlands.
An Indentec handheld digital tester has done wonders for hardness testing at VOR Transmissions in the UK West Midlands.
This specialist in re-manufacturing vehicle transmissions has adopted the company's portable approach to make sure that all components rescued from defective gearboxes and drive trains are tested thoroughly, rapidly and economically.
Previously parts had to be taken to an outside test laboratory to check if they had, for example, been softened by overheating.
This was a slow and costly process and it meant that not all potentially useful components, particularly large and heavy ones, were properly checked out.
Money was being lost in unnecessary wastage.
A pocket sized tester has solved the problem completely.
VOR can now carry out in situ and bench testing of all parts immediately, regardless of component weights, sizes, shapes and akwardness of location.
Equally important, parts that once might have been ignored because they were marginally useful can now be included in the test programme.
VOR says that the instrument's compactness and very easy operation encourage its use by all shop floor staff, leading to more exhaustive searches for viable components.
The instant availability of printed hardnesses is also very helpful in negotiations with customers and suppliers.