Substantial discounts available until the end of February 2003 on laboratory vacuum systems - tell them Laboratorytalk sent you!
To announce the addition of a new and complimentary control philosophy for its laboratory vacuum systems, Ilmvac is offering a huge 30% discount on these models.
LVS 110 M - 17l/min - 8mbar £1656.00 -30% = £1159.20.
LVS 310 M - 38l/min - 8mbar £2220.00 -30% = £1554.00.
LVS 610 TM - 75l/min - 2mbar £3438.00 -30% = £2406.60.
LVS 1210 TM - 138l/min - 2mbar £5920.00 -30% = £4144.00.
'Management' is a new term describing the control mechanism used on these systems.
Each has a PTFE dry-running diaphragm pumps which is switched on and off by the digital vacuum controller in order to maintain a user-defined vacuum range.
The result is a great saving on running costs, reduced back-ground noise in the lab, extended service intervals typically of four years and now a great capital cost saving as well! The offer is open now and finishes on 28 February 2003.