Written case study describes effort to reduce the time required to obtain metastable zone width parameters and increase precision of parameter measurements
A study to reduce the time required to obtain metastable zone width (MSZW) parameters and increase precision of parameter measurements was executed on the Advantage series 4100 process scale-up reactor.
The common method of obtaining values for MSZW parameters is manual analysis of crystallisation reaction conditions, which can take weeks.
These manual methods utilise turbidity sensors or optical means.
An Advantage series 4100 reactor connected to a Lasentec particle size analyzer (FBRM) enabled process chemists to determine MSZW within one and a half days, through automated interaction.
This rapid determination of crystallisation MSZW boosts process chemistry productivity by reducing crystallisation process time, recording precise reaction parameters, and eliminating manual data management and analysis steps.
For further details on this MSZW determination study, executed in the 4100 reactor fitted with a Lasentec FBRM instrument, request case study 101 from Argonaut.