One simple and easy way to monitor the pasteurisation process is to use the PUM's data logger available from JDL.
Pasteurisation is a process using mild heat to reduce the microbial level in heat sensitive materials.
This needs to be achieved with the minimum change to the structure of the product and is a very important and indispensable working cycle in the production of products such as; soft drinks, orangeade, beer, cider, tomato sauce, jam, marmalade amongst many others.
The use of excess heat can cause a detrimental effect on the product being processed and reduce its popularity to the end user.
The units of heat exposure at or over a reference temperature is arrived at using a formulae, PU/minute =1.389(T-60) where T = temperature in C and 1.389 is the reference for beer.
One simple and easy way to monitor this process is to use the PUM's data logger available from JDL.
This provides the user with a reliable and cost-effective way of measuring what has happened in a process and gives the pasteurisation units (PU) value for the product.
To use this data logger, the user simply inserts the probe to start the monitoring and then detaches the probe to stop.
The PUM's is battery operated with an incredible long life and easily user replaced.
Accuracy is high with a resolution of 0.1C.
The software, when used with the standard calibration plug, actually checks the recorders accuracy.
The user can also calibrate, for any differences between probes, for any electronic drifting and conduct a full multipoint calibration.
Accuracy is always guaranteed without having to send the unit back to the factory.
Pasteurisation Unit calculation formulae can easily be changed to either preset formulas or user defined for particular requirements.
The start-up kit comprises, the recorder with a standard probe (90mm to 350mm lengths available), C-210 smart cable, Win/Pasteur software package and a rubber/glass bottle probe holder.
With costs between œ1300 to œ1600, depending on the recorder selected, it is a small price to pay for Quality Assurance and being able to fine tune the process, the user will probably recover the costs in a short period of time.
Easy to use and maximise, the Win/Pasteur software presents information gathered by the data logger in either graphical or tabular format and enables the user to printout data, export it to other programmes, and to analyse and annotate the data presented.
It also allows the user to set up the system for individual processes and to check and calibrate the accuracy of the system periodically in order to satisfy stringent QA requirements.
The PUM is an important monitoring system that is ideal for quality control in pasteurisation processes and is simple and easy to use, while at the same time being so low in cost.
The savings that can be made ensure that it pays for itself time and time again.