Leica Microsystems announces series seven two-day events on confocal microscopy, to be held at venues around the UK in 2004.
After the success last year's confocal microscopy workshops, Leica Microsystems announces an expanded programme of confocal microscopy events for 2004, to be held at seven locations thoughout the UK.
The events will examine confocal techniques in the biological sciences with workshops using the latest, state-of-the-art microscope systems.
The format for the two-day events will involve presentations from local research scientists and Leica experts on fuorescence techniques used in the study of molecular interactions within live cells such as Frap, Fret, Flip and Flim.
These will be followed by workshops on confocal systems, image archiving and analysis using the FW4000 fluorescence image processing wokstation and the newly launched DM6000 B digital microscope.
The second day will be devoted to more in-depth, hands-on workshops.
Complimentary refreshments will be provided.
The first event wil be held at Imperial College, London on 27-28 April, followed by Liverpool (May), Newcastle (June), Scotland (September), Nottingham (October), Oxford (November) and Cambridge (December).
Exact dates and venues will be confirmed in the near future.