Multiple strain gauge devices easily convert to digital systems with this junction box to be daisy-chained to a single RS485 port on a computer, plc, or mainframe
The DSJ4, available from Magna Projects, allows up to four DSC digital strain cards to be fitted, with easy-to-wire plug-and-socket connector for the strain gauges, common power supply connection and a single RS485 bus.
A D-connector loop allows multiple units to be daisy-chained to a single RS485 port on the computer, plc, or mainframe.
The DSC card is an advanced, robust digital signal conditioning amplifier with low drift, high resolution (up to 19 bits, or 1 part in 500,000), and allows most types of strain gauges to be connected directly to a computer system.
Each DSC has on-board calibration and temperature compensation features, and is fitted with an on-board temperature sensor (though there is a facility to fit an externally-mounted temperature sensor).
With the VisualLink HMI/Scada software package multiple DSCs and other devices may be easily configured customised application interfaces constructed.
The instruments are invaluable for process instrumentation, R and D, OEM and trouble-shooting applications, and are available, with other strain gauge conditioning and process monitoring equipment, on rapid delivery via Magna's on-line store.