Spectroscopic methods can only determine the total concentrations of metals but with voltammetry it is additionally possible to differentiate between the various oxidation states of metal
The 797 VA Computrace is a modern voltammetric measuring instrument that connects to a PC directly via an USB connection. The Windows XP based PC software controls the measurement, records the measuring data and allows full evaluation of the recorded information.
The software comes with over 220 methods pre-installed for quick, convenient analysis of heavy metals.
The 797 VA Computrace offers low capital outlay, low running cost, part per billion limits of detection for most metal ions, speciation studies eg Cr6+, and portability.
Trace metal analyses can be performed with better sensitivity for the fraction of the cost of acquiring an AAS or ICP instrument.
The low running costs are an additional bonus point for voltammetry requiring no expensive combustible gases or reconstruction of the laboratory infrastructure to accommodate specialist ducting and fume hoods. Apart from the small amounts of reagents required for the analysis, only small volumes of pure nitrogen are required.