Pittcon 2004 sees launch of titration object-oriented client-server database to integrate a variety of instruments to create a complete laboratory analysis system
Tiamo is the largest and most modern software project in the over 60-year history of Metrohm, says the company.
Tiamo integrates Titrinos and Titrandos, meters, Dosinos, sample changers, robotic sample processors, etc, to form a complete system for laboratory analysis.
Tiamo is based on an object-oriented client-server database.
This means that results can be called up from any client while methods are managed centrally on the server and can be executed by any client.
User administration leaves nothing to be desired and is compatible with Windows 2000 and XP. User-specific operator configurations are integrated in Tiamo and require no software extension.
Tiamo complies with all the demands of GMP and GLP as well as FDA 21 CFR Part 11.
A central user administration, digital signatures with work-flow functions and a complete audit trail provide the basis for data security. In addition, Tiamo offers tools for avoiding mistakes. Intelligent dosing systems help with monitoring the titer of reagents.
Devices connected via USB are automatically recognised and monitored.
Tiamo's graphical method editor allows the setup of complex procedures.
In this way measurements made in parallel, determinations and sample changer steps can be controlled.
This parallelism allows two determinations to be carried out simultaneously with a Titrando or the preparation of the next sample to be started while a titration is still being carried out.
By using the appropriate hardware it is now possible to double sample throughput.
All data is stored in one or more databases.
Modern search and filter tools allow rapid finding or grouping of results.
All results can be recalculated and printed out as a hard copy with a freely definable report layout.
The possibility of integration in existing laboratory information systems and central databases is crucial for the acceptance of PC-controlled analytical systems.
Tiamo combines the Titrino product range with the new Titrando generation.
Numerous instruments from Metrohm and other companies can be included, protecvting investments.