"With the new equipment, waiting time has been reduced and we can offer a much speedier return to gynaecological consultants, which is important if there may be some sort of cancer"
The Maternity Ultrasound Department at the North Hampshire Hospital in Basingstoke has chosen a new Philips Ultrasound HDI 5000 Sono CT to meet its increased workload for gynaecological screening.
Margaret Holt, superintendent sonographer, explained: "There are new government guidelines regarding how long a patient with suspected uterine cancer should wait for screening and we didn't feel our old equipment could cope with the extra work this may entail, especially in addition to all the obstetric scans." "We compared and rated instruments from several different manufacturers and eventually chose a Philips Ultrasound instrument because of the clarity of the image and the good results it produced for the whole range of gynaecological work.
The sonographers find the machine very user friendly and easy to adjust, and find the standard settings very useful." "With the new equipment, waiting time has been reduced and we can offer a much speedier return to gynaecological consultants, which is important if there may be some sort of cancer.
The images can be stored on MO (magneto optical) disc and the equipment can be linked up to a PACS environment, so once the hospital has a system installed we will be able to download results and images directly to GPs."