Lims provides uniquely complete data management for the industry without the usual requirement for extensive custom code
QSI says it has developed comprehensive solutions for the special needs of the food and drink industry sector.
Integrated with the wide-ranging core functionality of QSI's Winlims, it provides what it calls uniquely complete data management for the industry without the usual requirement for extensive custom code. Examples of the processes supported are product development, quality and sensory testing and inventory control.
The Recipe and Formulation Manager is a tool allowing the food technologist to define the recipe of a new product, control the production of trial batches and develop a quality specification for it, so that all necessary parameters can be established before full scale production.
In the microbiology lab, the system can improve productivity and reduce result transcription errors through the use of combined handheld PC's and bar code scanners and real time RF (radio frequency) data links.
The unique requirements of sensory testing are served by features like the ability to generate random, but traceable sample IDs to prevent inferences being drawn from sample labelling.
Other tools include vendor assurance, defining the conditions, rules and testing regimes that apply to each supplier, and the ability to interface directly with the manufacturing system to ensure batch traceability, even back to an individual supplier lot.