The RDP E725 instrument provides a simple and low cost solution for displaying and logging real-time data from a wide variety of sensors.
The RDP E725 instrument provides a simple and low cost solution for displaying and logging real-time data from a wide variety of sensors.
The E725 provides the excitation and conditioning for a load cell, pressure sensor, LVDT and other sensor types.
The easy menu-driven set-up programme provides calibration and scaling for the 5-digit display.
For data logging, all that's needed is a simple connection to a PC's RS232 port plus the software package provided with the E725.
Data can be exported to Microsoft Excel to enable information such as load against time graphs to be easily configured, displayed and printed.
In addition, several E725 instruments may be networked together using the optional RS485 interface, enabling graphs such as load against displacement to be produced in Excel.
Ten point linearisation can also be carried out by accessing the menu from the tactile keypad, making the E725 a valuable tool for production and research projects.