Structure-based drug discovery company RiboTargets joins the Partnership for Structural Biology at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
RiboTargets, the structure-based drug discovery company that develops novel cancer and anti-bacterial therapeutics, has announced that it has joined the new Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB) established at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF).
Associate membership of the PSB will provide guaranteed access to beamlines at ESRF, providing the intense X-ray source needed for the high-performance crystallography that underpins RiboTargets's approach to structure-based drug discovery.
Rod Hubbard, director of structural sciences at RiboTargets said, "Access to the third generation synchrotron facilities at ESRF is essential for our structure-based drug discovery programmes on ribosome subunits, and is providing the throughput for rapid progress in our protein projects.
We are delighted to have been invited to support this new development at the ESRF and look forward to a continued, mutually productive collaboration." The PSB will ensure that the structural and molecular biology methods and resources being developed and maintained at ESRF will support the needs of pharmaceutical research in the search for new medicines.
In addition, the partnership will play a leading role in various large-scale structural biology initiatives now under way in Europe.
Bill Stirling, director-general of ESRF commented, "The PSB initiative aims to create an environment for leading edge structural biology second to none in Europe and competitive at the world level.
I am very pleased to have RiboTargets, one of the UK's premiere small pharmaceutical companies as an associate member of the partnership."