Signatrol introduces its SL400 radio link data collector, which allows the user to measure, display, and record real time temperature and humidity data
The SL400 radio link data collector is finding applications in cold stores, supermarkets, warehouses, laboratories, computer buildings, museums, and art galleries.
Both a dual and quad-channel Pt100 version are available.
In addition to measuring temperature and humidity, the SL400 can also be configured to measure light level and UV content, vital parameters in buildings such as art galleries, museums and stately homes.
The SL400 system consists of a receiving base station, permanently connected to a PC, and up to 256 remote monitoring stations.
Each station transmits data to the base unit and can have up to four sensor inputs, giving a total capability of 1024 channels per installation.
The frequency of data transmission can be set from 15 seconds up to 90 minutes The SL400 uses the pan-European licence-free 434MHz radio transmission frequency and offers significant savings in terms of wiring and installation costs.
Each remote transmitter has a built-in long life battery providing up to five years life at a sampling rate of 20 minutes and can be mounted up to 300m away from the base station, extending to 1000m with a direct line of sight.
An optional liquid crystal display is also available to provide local indication of temperature and humidity.
The Windows based software can be configured to provide the operator with measured values in a variety of standard formats - from simple bar graphs to multi-line traces, and graphics can be added which show the location of the remote transmitters.
The base station uses the PC's hard disk to store readings.
However, if the computer is turned off, the base station will store readings in its own internal memory for up to a week and then download them automatically when the PC is turned on again.