PCI card ARB/AWG for PCs generates signals at up to 125MHz on two channels and has up to 512mbyte on-board memory
Strategic Test has released the UF6031 high-speed arbitrary waveform generator (ARB/AWG) PCI card for PCs.
Using the latest generation of 14-bit D/A converters it is able to generate complex analogue signals at rates of 125Msamples per second (MS/s) on both channels.
To support these high data rates, the designers have included up to 512Mbytes of onboard signal memory that allows each channel to generate signals of up to 256Msamples at the highest speeds.
Three software selectable hardware filters are provided to further improve accurate signal reconstruction. Typical applications include: enhanced/corrupted playback of recorded signals; simulation waveforms produced by Matlab, Labview, VEE, Dasylab; I/Q signal verification tasks in multi antenna systems, three-phase power simulation, generating stimulus signals for imaging display and recording, creating mixed analog/digital signals, radar and sonar testing.
The UF6032 can be combined with one of the UltraFast digitiser cards. Real-world signals can be recorded with the digitiser and then replayed using the UF6031 to the device under test.
The UF6031 has a 3dB bandwidth of 60MHz (no filter), signal to noise ratio of greater than 72dB and crosstalk less than -80dB.
Total harmonic distortion is better than -57dB.
The boards are supplied with external clock and trigger connectors so that the card can be synchronised with external equipment if necessary.
A feature called bank switching is provided for tests that require switching the channel output between two stored waveforms on receipt of an external signal.
As an option, the UF6031 can be fitted with four high-speed digital output channels, which are synchronised to the analogue outputs.
These may be used to send status messages to other equipment.
Alternatively, the extra I/O option adds 24 slow digital I/O lines and four 12-bit D/A channels for controlling external equipment such as radar antenna position during or after high-speed signal generation.
The UltraFast UF6031 with 8Msample memory costs $5558, with 16Msamples $6482, 32Msamples $7553, 64Msamples $8778, 128Msamples $10,304 and the maximum 256Msamples $12,985.
OEM prices are available on request.
All UltraFast cards are supplied with free drivers for Windows and Linux, the SBench program that allows signals to be easily generated without programming, source code programming examples in Visual Basic, C/C++ and Delphi; two years hardware warranty and lifetime software updates including future Windows and Linux drivers.
Technical support is provided at no cost for the product lifetime.