Explaining how to get the best from optical microscopes at six intensive one-day events around the UK, including presentations on digital camera technology
Syncroscopy invites microscope users to attend one of six free seminars at venues across the UK.
The intensive one-day programme will provide professional guidance on obtaining outstanding performance from optical microscopes, which could save users many hours of painstaking work.
These popular seminars are taking place at selected areas on the following dates this year: Liverpool, 24 April; Edinburgh, 20 June; Birmingham, 11 September; Cardiff, 23 October; Southampton, 4 December; and Nottingham, 26 February 2003.
The programme, which will run from 10am until 4pm, is in two sections.
Before lunch there will be presentations from Syncroscopy's experts on digital camera technology plus solutions for overcoming depth of field and resolution problems.
In the afternoon, users will have the opportunity to see and ask questions about a wide variety of real, sample-specific applications in smaller, more focused workshops.
To attend one of Syncroscopy's informative seminars, email your preferred date and area with your organisation's details to events@syncroscopy.com and a place will be reserved for you free of charge.
Bob Town, Syncroscopy's general sales manager commented: "We are delighted to be able to offer our popular microscopy seminars again.
The feedback we have received from previous years has meant we have now produced a packed agenda full of extremely useful information.
This will ensure that anyone attending will rapidly pick up handy hints from Syncroscopy's team of experts on how to improve their imaging which will be as worthwhile for a material scientist as it will be for a life scientist." For Further Information Contact: Jayne Arthur, Syncroscopy, Beacon House, Nuffield Road, Cambridge, CB4 1TF, UK. Tel: +44(0) 1223-727127 Fax +44 (0) 1223-727101 Email: jayne.arthur@syncroscopy.com Web site: www.syncroscopy.com Editor Contact: Dr Sue Pearson, PO Box 170, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 3GD, UK.
Tel/Fax +44 (0)1462-635327 Email: Sue6.pearson@ntlworld.com Note to Editors Syncroscopy is a world-leading developer and supplier of innovative digital imaging solutions for optical microscopy application. Syncroscopy's innovative brands include Auto-Montage for extended depth of focus three-dimensional imaging, Montage Explorer for the creation of the highest resolution, perfectly focused images ever seen and the SyncroCOOL camera range for cooled colour image capture.
Syncroscopy's systems are used by more than 2,000 organisations internationally and include many of the world's major research institutes.