Research-grade instrument provides high performance infrared sampling, excellent visible-light microscopy, and exceptional FT-IR imaging
Thermo Electron introduces the new Nicolet Continuum XL, a research-grade FT-IR microscope that provides high performance infrared sampling, excellent visible-light microscopy and exceptional FT-IR imaging.
The innovative design of the Nicolet Continuum XL adds imaging capability to the Continuum IR microscope, which incorporates advanced microscopy features, including simultaneous view and collect, dual remote sample masking, Reflachromat compensating objectives and visible contrast and illumination techniques.
The Continuum XL features an exclusive optical design that enables users to perform single-point collection and imaging on the same system without compromising the performance of either mode of operation.
In single-point mode, dual remote sample masking provides optimum spatial resolution, enabling pure spectra to be obtained from the smallest of samples.
In imaging mode, high fidelity optics allow rapid collection of sharp images.
The Nicolet Continuum XL is supported by new versions of Omnic and Atlus software, which provide visualisation and image processing capabilities.
Users are able to link spectra, video images and chemical images into a single organised window.
The software supports the collection of single points, line and area maps when using a single element detector and images when using an array.