The new MV200 from Yokogawa, with its large (10.4 inch) colour TFT screen, is a high-channel-count data-acquisition system that is equally suited to mobile or benchtop use.
The new MV200 from Yokogawa is a high-channel-count data-acquisition system that is equally suited to mobile or benchtop use.
The instrument is equipped with a large (10.4 inch) colour TFT screen, providing a high-resolution readout for up to 30 channels of measured data.
The screen can be configured in various ways to display historical data or current readings in digital bargraph or trend mode.
A 4-screen display can also be used to incorporate instant alarm presentation.
The MV200 has an internal memory of 1.2 Mbyte, and may be equipped with a choice of additional storage media including a 3.5-inch floppy disk drive, a ZIP disk offering up to 100 Mbyte, and a PCMCIA ATA flash memory card storing up to 440 Mbyte.
The instrument makes an ideal replacement for a high-speed chart recorder, and in 8-channel configuration it will sample at 125 ms intervals on each channel.
When replacing multipoint recorders, the MV200 will sample 30 channels at one second intervals.
Voltage measurement accuracy is 0.1% and temperature accuracy 0.15%.
Built-in signal conditioning is provided for voltage and temperature inputs. Powerful software is included with the MV200, allowing full use to be made of the instrument's Ethernet communications capabilities.
Files of historic data, as well as real-time information, can be easily viewed when the MV200 is connected to a network.
Through the use of a dial-up router, the MV200 can be operated in remote locations, with recorded data being transmitted to a central network.