Designed for quality control application in such areas as testing climatic chambers, thermostat calibration and other critical processes requiring accurate validated measurements
The Dostmann P655 Log is a high precision two-channel handheld logger for temperature (+-0.03C), relative humidity, dewpoint, and airflow, with a memory for 2000 measurements and a logging interval selectable between one second and 30 minutes.
The P655 Log is designed for quality control application in such areas as testing climatic chambers, thermostat calibration and other critical processes requiring accurate validated measurements.
Using the combination of the P655 Log and Dostmann precision Pt100 probes (which come with a sensor calibration code), system accuracies of around 30mK can be achieved for majority of applications (-50 to +150C) and 0.05C for the majority of the remainder of the measuring range(-200 to +850C).
Each instrument is supplied with a PC cable and readout software which generates an Ascii file on your PC, and can then be imported into spreadsheet programmes.
This new development is based on the highly successful P600 series thermometers which have been helping many pharmaceutical companies to maintain their high standards in traceable thermal calibration and also in hospitals as part of autoclave calibration systems to HTM 2010 and HTM 2030.