These biomarkers appear to differ in persons with Alzheimer's Disease compared to persons without cognitive impairment, and can be identified using a simple blood test
PerkinElmer and Predictive Diagnostics have announced that they have found a series of biomarkers that appear to differ in persons with Alzheimer's Disease compared to persons without cognitive impairment, using a simple blood test.
The collaborative study, initiated by PerkinElmer and David Bennett, director of the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center, Rush University Medical Center (Chicago, Illinois), is among the first study of its kind to describe a potential diagnostic blood test for Alzheimer's Disease, although the results will need replication in a separate study.
Mary Lopez, business leader for analytical proteomics at PerkinElmer, presented the results on Thursday 14 April 2005 at AACC's Oak Ridge Conference in Baltimore, Maryland.
The blood analysis was carried out using PerkinElmer's BioXpression Biomarker platform and Predictive Diagnostics's proprietary BAMF technology to identify patterns of proteins and peptides that distinguish Alzheimer's patients from those without clinical signs.
The serum samples used in the study were donated by the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center.
The BioXpression Biomarker discovery and screening platform includes the novel Protof 2000 Maldi mass spectrometer, BioXpression carrier protein-based blood biomarker enrichment kits and PDI's BAMF technology.
"This study demonstrates the power of our comprehensive suite of tools and technologies for biomarker discovery and analysis," said Peter Coggins, president of PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences.
"We believe the detection of early disease-related biomarkers is crucial to facilitate the development of diagnostics and drug therapies".
In numerous collaborative studies, Predictive Diagnostics has demonstrated the capability of its BAMF technology to accurately diagnose cancers such as breast, lung, pancreatic and prostate, as well as multiple sclerosis.
Predictive Diagnostics believes its diagnostic tests will provide better patient outcome through early detection of cancer and other serious diseases and significantly reduce the cost of healthcare associated with treatment of such diseases.