Two stepper motors allow for ultra-fine adjustments to be made to the shot size of this metering pump, by increasing or shortening the stroke length
The VMP variable metering pump has all the benefits of the standard FMI precision stepper motor driven valveless metering, pump with the addition of a second stepper motor.
This allows for ultra-fine adjustments in 0.0144ul steps to be made to the shot size by automatically changing the stroke length of the pump.
One motor adjusts the shot volume by changing the angle of the FMI pump head, lengthening or shortening the stroke of the pump.
The second motor controls the FMI valveless pump, dispense speed and frequency of the shot.
The XL electronic controller is said to be easy to set up, with a user friendly touch screen providing simple entry functions to adjust the shot volume, how many cycles to get to that volume, and speed of shot.
Up to 100 dispensing programmes can be stored, allowing multiple operations to be run with one system and change between setups on the fly.
For a more graphical interface, a Palm Zire can be used to programme a single pump or every pump on the line.
Data can be backed up to the Palm and transferred to a computer for safe storage.
A password function can also be used to prevent the programme from being changed by an operator.
The VMP can be freestanding or can be integrated (panel mounted) into an existing system.
Systems can be ganged together for meter mixing applications and multi-headed dispensing.
Coming soon will be an OEM version of the pump with all of electronics for its use on board.
It can be programmed with a Palm, PLC, or computer.
Multiple pumps may be chained together and programmed via local intranet.