Software agent automatically searches for pre-configured notification events and displays a window when an event requiring attention or warranting recognition is found
Computing Solutions has extended the features of LabSoft Lims to include Notification Agent, which it says increases efficiency and streamlines workflow by alerting Lims users of events that require their attention or warrant recognition.
Notification Agent is an automated service that runs in the system tray while LabSoft is operating.
The Agent searches for pre-configured notification events and displays a window when an event is found.
Examples are a COA was created, a COA was created with out of spec data, a specification agreement requires approval, n consecutive points ascending or descending, n points above or below the mean, out of spec data, out of 3 Sigma, etc.
The Notification Agent window does not remove focus from the active LabSoft Lims window when it displays.
Instead, the agent's title bar will flash to alert the user of a notification event.
The user can double click the subject or body in the agent window to immediately review the event.
The agent window will automatically close after the event has been addressed.
The Notification Agent is available in LabSoft Lims v8.02.