Craft Technologies has applied Selerity Technologies's Polaratherm total temperature controller to its research into isocratic separation of tocopherols
Previous separations were conducted at ambient temperature, whereas this research from Craft Technologies using sub-zero temperature demonstrates that the Polaratherm offers a more effective alternative to traditional techniques.
Polaratherm, the first commercially viable product on the market capable of hot and cold temperatures and temperature programming, overcomes the downfalls of conventional HPLC separations conducted at ambient temperature resulting in improved resolution of several isomers.
Vitamin E is a term used to describe the compounds contained in tocopherols.
In addition to their vitamin E activity, these compounds have been implicated in the reduced risk of many diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's and cataracts.
Vitamin E also provides the greatest total antioxidant activity in the lipoproteins in blood.
No separation of all eight homologs of vitamin E has been previously reported using isocratic reversed-phase HPLC.
The most commonly used method for the analysis of tocopherols is the direct injection of the homologs into a C18 column using an ambient isocratic separation.
This results in the co-elution of several isomers.
Using the Polaratherm, tocopherols can be effectively separated at -20C.
The low temperature influences the column selectivity resulting into near-baseline separation of tocopherols.
Polaratherm is a HPLC column compartment capable of controlling the temperature from sub zero to 200C, benefiting from two modes of operation: temperature programming, and isothermal.
It is the first column compartment that allows and regulates high, ambient, low or dynamic temperatures for selectivity tuning and improved HPLC separations.
This equipment is applicable to most vendor HPLC systems and can be deployed in any laboratory already operating HPLC at little additional cost, says Selerity.