Refrigerant specific vapour monitors are portable infrared vapour analysers factory calibrated to continually measure R114, R134a, R236fa, and Halon 13B1 in the 0-2500ppm range
The UK Ministry of Defence has awarded Wilks Enterprise, through its agent in the UK, Quantitech, a contract to build and deliver 20 portable refrigerant gas monitors.
These monitors will be used onboard British submarines to help ensure safe air quality conditions.
The contract is valued in excess of US$200,000.
The Wilks InfraRan refrigerant specific vapour monitors that will be supplied to the British MOD are portable infrared vapour analysers.
They are factory calibrated to continually measure R114, R134a, R236fa, and Halon 13B1 in the 0 to 2500 part per million (ppm) concentration range and alarm should preset limits be exceeded.
Wilks Enterprise is a manufacture of portable infrared instrumentation for dedicated quantitative environmental and quality control applications including ambient air analysis, oil/grease in water and soil sampling, and at/near line process measurements.