Sending a pipette away for servicing is now simpler and more efficient with Eppendorf's new service voucher.
Sending a pipette away for servicing is now simpler and more efficient with Eppendorf's new service voucher.
A choice of basic, standard and premium cover is available for five different types of pipette, making a total of 15 off-the-shelf products based on service vouchers which can be redeemed at any time.
The system is simple and easy to use, and everything that is required to return a pipette for service is in the package.
Rapid turnaround time and calibration to ISO 8655 ensure that the pipettes deliver optimum performance, says the company.
A calibration report is also sent back with each serviced pipette.
Service vouchers can be purchased just like any other Eppendorf product, and they even qualify for ep-points which can be exchanged for useful laboratory items or leisure, sport and fun gifts.
All makes and models of pipette are covered, not just Eppendorf products, and customised service options are also available.