Spectrum Instrumentation GmbH

Ahrensfelder Weg 13-17
22927 Grosshansdorf
Spectrum Instrumentation has been a world-leading manufacturer of ultra-fast, high-resolution solutions for signal capture and signal generation since 1989. Our unique modular concept of motherboards and many daughter-boards enables us to offer more than 500 products! So every customer gets the Perfect Fit solution to their specifications for a fair price and available from stock. All backed by our industry leading, 5 years warranty for your peace of mind plus out-of-warranty advice, service and repairs for all products from the past 15 years.
All digitizers-boards and AWG-boards are available in the common industrial standards: PCIe, LXI, PXIe, PXI and PCI. For stand alone solutions, we offer "Netboxes", which contain up to 6 boards with Ethernet connection to PCs. Our hardware and software creates leading edge, powerful instruments: digitizers, oscilloscopes, fast long-term data-loggers, spectrum analysers, logic analysers or transient recorders.
All Spectrum products are "Made in Germany". They are completely developed, produced and extensively tested in Germany with world-class support directly from Spectrum's hardware and software engineers for fast responses.
More information about Spectrum can be found at www.spectrum-instrumentation.com

More than 140 Spectrum Instrumentation Digitisers at CERN
More than 140 digitiser cards from Spectrum Instrumentation are being used in the machine protection systems of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN to check that the particle beams have been accu…
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