Wolf Laboratories Ltd

Colenso House
1 Deans Lane
YO42 2PX
The company
Wolflabs is a UK private limited company founded in 1995. In addition to a reputation for providing value for money we also emphasize customer service and sustainability.
Wolflabs distributes the top 250 ranges of equipment required for laboratories. In May 2016, we were adopted as a preferred supplier for the UK public sector. This covers universities, colleges, government bodies and most NHS trusts. Further details can be found here.
Customer service
Customer service is built into the systems of all departments but trained staff rather than IT systems are our front line for its delivery. This guarantees a consistently high level of service whilst preventing the barriers to good customer service common to many internet companies.
Wolflabs has no field-based sales representatives, sends no mailings and produces no hard copy marketing material. Sustainability comparisons are part of our procurement process and products manufactured in the UK and EU are sourced preferentially.
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