Rense Instruments S-503 humidity calibrator is the latest addition to a comprehensive range of dewpoint and relative humidity generators
Along with the Opti-Cal %RH calibrator, the HG10 calibration system and the Optidew Vision reference dewpointmeter, the S-503 adds to an already formidable range available from Rense and sister company Michell Instruments.
The S-503 Humidity Calibrator enables users of humidity sensors, transmitters and read-out devices to quickly and accurately generate reference humidity conditions and thus perform on-site relative humidity calibrations in a time and cost effective manner.
Set points from 10 to 90%RH in steps of 0.1%RH are available from the instrument's front panel.
The calibrator has an axial fan that continuously circulates air through the test chamber for maximum humidity and temperature uniformity.
This results in a system that stabilizes within 0.5%RH of the set point in typically less than ten minutes.
The calibrator provides a direct readout of the measured humidity for a range of voltage and current transmitters that do not have an integral display, as well as providing a display the %RH and temperature for the chamber itself.
These lightweight, transportable, self-contained units utilize a thin film capacitive sensor and closed loop controllers to modulate the flow of air through a saturation and desiccant chamber.
The unit has access ports for seven probes, up to 18.5mm in diameter and can easily be adapted to suit the wide variety of commercially available humidity probes currently on the market.
The S-503 can be supplied with a Ukas calibration certificate if required.
For the ultimate in bench top humidity calibration, the S-503 can also be specified with an independent reference standard, such as Michell Instruments' Optidew Vision cooled mirror dewpointmeter.
Aside from the lower cost saturated sales solutions (also available from Rense Instruments), it is believed that the S-503 represents the most cost effective method for the multi-point calibration of relative humidity currently available, says Rense.
The S-503 is part of a range of humidity calibrators and relative humidity products, suitable for many applications, available from Rense Instruments.
Rense's sister company Michell Instruments also offers a complimentary range of generators and reference standard hygrometers.