Two-channel multi-potentiostat capable of performing electrochemical experiments on each channel simultaneously or independently for applications in sensors, research electrochemicals and corrosion
The Bi-Stat bi-potentiostat channels can be configured to operate as a bi-potentiostat the bi-stat mode using two working electrodes with a common counter and reference electrode.
It is unique in that it also can be used as two separate and complete three-electrode potentiostats.
It also can be used with a ring-disk electrode to provide the perfect tool for the study of kinetics, copper plating and hydrogen permeation.
The Bi-Stat features simultaneous measurement of voltage and current using 16-bit A/Ds along with up to two independent auxiliary inputs (such as pH, temperature, etc).
TTL level input and output signals are available for synchronizing experiments with external devices.
Its inherent 250 mA current capability makes the Bi-Stat suitable for most applications.
Power amplifiers can be interfaced to the Bi-Stat to achieve maximum currents on each channel up to 20Amps.
Its Windows-based control software features over 25 standard techniques, including corrosion experiments, voltammetry, pulse-plating techniques and testing protocols typically used in evaluating battery and fuel cell performance.
Also available are Lab View drivers for many of the most popular techniques.
There is also a DLL library available as well for programmers interested in using the Bi-Stat in their own control programs.