Nanosight announce the launch of Firefly LM10 a nanoparticle characterisation system that enables highly accurate visualisation of individual nanoscale particles in suspension.
Nanosight have announced the launch of Firefly LM10 a robust and low cost nanoparticle characterisation system that enables highly accurate visualisation of individual nanoscale particles in suspension.
The system uniquely allows the user a simple and direct qualitative view of the sample under analysis from which independent quantitative estimation of particle size and size distribution can be immediately obtained.
Firefly builds on the ground-breaking work of NanoSight's Halo system.
The Firefly system includes a conventional optical microscope fitted with a specialised camera and dedicated analytical software.
Specifically, it comprises a metallised optical element illuminated by laser beam, enabling both real time sizing and counting of nanoparticles in suspension.
The technique is highly cost effective as it requires minimal sample pre-treatment: only dilution with a suitable solvent to an acceptable concentration range.
The system can measure nanoparticles down to 10nm, dependent on material, and can obtain higher resolution particle size distribution profiles than other more time-consuming and expensive methods, such as photon correlation spectroscopy.
As the particles are directly visualised moving under Brownian motion, Firefly avoids the complex correlation mathematics required in assessing the intensity signal inherent in scattering techniques.
Firefly includes a completely new software package that minimises noise, enables near-real time operation, direct control of the camera and improved centring and tracking capabilities.
A new camera and microscope has enhanced sensitivity and optimised image quality for easy set-up and simplicity of use.
"The exceptional sensitivity and robustness of Firefly is a significant step forward in our ability to analyse nanoparticles to a level unattainable with current techniques", commented Jeremy Warren, CEO of NanoSight.
"Our customers are incredibly excited when they view their particles for the first time using our system and we are seeing it well supported throughout the industry as a complement to other light scattering techniques."