Funded by a $2M government grant C2V will work with VU in conjunction with Omnilabo International and will develop an ultra fast, handheld threat detector based on gas chromatography
Gas chromatographs are used in security and safety, industrial processing, laboratories and quality control.
The consortium will focus on fast and handheld screening and detection of toxic industrial chemicals and chemical warfare agents for security applications.
C2V develops handheld instrumentation, based on silicon micromachining technology and its proprietary micro fluidics integration platform.
Omnilabo International is one of the largest suppliers of laboratory products in the Benelux, with a dedicated chromatography department.
The Amsterdam based Analytical Chemistry department of the Vrije Universiteit VU focuses on the development and application of novel analytical technologies to study and measure the interaction of small molecules as well as macromolecular systems The platform combines micro components with narrow bore capillary GC columns for optimal performance.
Functional components such as injectors, detectors, sample definition and diagnostics are integrated leading to higher functional density and smaller, handheld instruments.
The flexible system configuration enables tailoring for optimal performance in targeted applications.