Performing successive thermal treatments with an Analytix CDS pyrolysis system, interfaced directly with GC/GCMS, can enables quantification of all constituents Cannabis Oil products, regardless of their volatility.
Cannabis Oil (CBD) products can legally be purchased online and in stores across the UK. The quality and content of some products might not be known and could potentially be dangerous. It is a complex natural product containing both volatile and non-volatile constituents that therefore presents a challenge for the analyst.
Multistep analysis starting at 200°C will initially volatilise active compounds such as α-bisabolol, α-caryophyllene, and some cannabinoids. A subsequent step at 400°C releases fatty acids, alcohols, and more cannabinoids. The final step at 700°C pyrolyses the remainder of the oil and breaks down the triglycerides into long-chain alkenes, alkanes, aldehydes, and alcohols.
The CDS pyrolysers can be installed onto any GC/GCMS with control either by the built-in touch screen or PC software. Sample introduction is via either a single shot autoinjector with drop-in sample chamber (DISC) or with the 48 position autosampler. A leak check function and extensive diagnostic capabilities aid in troubleshooting down to component level.
Download an application note here or call +44 (0) 191 519 4504