Lipomics Technologies has been selected to receive a Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer Grant from the US Department of Defense to improve optimum fitness and performance of combat personnel
The study findings will be used to develop diagnostic tools that will evaluate an individual soldier's readiness for training and predict the potential for injury during times of physical stress.
The study findings will also be evaluated for their diagnostic potential in physical fitness programs of the general population.
Collaborating with the University of California, Davis, and Arete Therapeutics, Phase I of the study, conducted last year, employed validated metabolomic analysis platforms to determine how metabolic profiles can predict performance, metabolic stress, fatigue, and recovery rates for individuals undergoing extreme exertion.
Phase II and III of this study will be performed by Patricia Deuster at the Uniformed Services University of Health Science.
"An objective measure of our war-fighters' physical and psychological wellbeing will promote optimal military performance, avoid the deleterious consequences of fatigue, and potentially reduce the risk of injury," said Dr Deuster.
Lipomics will be applying its years of accumulated knowledge in evaluating metabolic response to produce a practical, personalized diagnostic test that will help improve training regimens, dietary guidance and if necessary, therapeutic interventions to optimize their preparedness prior to and recovery after exhaustive activity.
The development of this test will advance Lipomics's strategic vision of creating a suite of commercially available diagnostic assays based on metabolic profiles for health, fitness and disease.