It is estimated that worldwide around 10% of all pharmaceutical preparations are counterfeit, costing billions in lost revenue and causing significant consumer concern
Counterfeiting techniques are improving and fake pharmaceuticals are more easily passing undetected into the supply chain.
Industry is experiencing significant financial impact and risks to the consumer are escalating.
New compact, rugged and portable LabSpec Vis-NIR instrumentation can conveniently and cost effectively fight back in the battle against this problem.
Nearly every pharmaceutical product has a unique spectral 'fingerprint' identity determined by its molecular composition, and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is an ideal tool for verifying authenticity.
LabSpec mobile and rugged Vis-NIR spectrophotometer systems provide the means to quickly and non-destructively determine if a product is genuine.
LabSpec instruments benefit over the many other Vis-NIR spectroscopy instruments available because they are truly portable systems designed to run completely independently from battery packs.
Additionally, their unique optical design enables them to even measure through-the-packaging in the majority of situations.
The FDA is working on new initiatives to more effectively protect consumers from counterfeit drugs.
These include exploring the use of modern technologies such as NIR spectroscopy and other measures that will make it more difficult for counterfeit drugs to get mixed up with, or deliberately be substituted for, safe and effective drugs.
With its true portability, ruggedness and independence of operation, LabSpec Vis-NIR spectroscopy instrumentation enables real-time and in-the-field counterfeit detection to become a reality, empowering a variety of professionals, from both the public and private sector, to greater effect in the war against counterfeit drugs.