Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI) announces the Micro-ESI 9030, an interface compatible with the Nexera Mikros Microflow LCMS that enables micro flowrate analysis with the LCMS-9030 quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) system.
The Micro-ESI 9030 detects target components by optimising the ESI probe position relative to the sample injection port for low flowrates, maintaining microflow chromatography efficiency throughout the ion introduction process to the mass spectrometer. It is designed to achieve shorter analysis times and be more durable than nano flowrate compatible LCMS systems.
Providing robust operation, the micro-ESI ionisation process utilises an optimised probe angle to improve efficiency and remove excessive ions. This minimises background noise and enables stable analyses. Needle attachment and maintenance is designed to be simple, with users able to check the optimised spray position and status via a high-resolution camera.
The Nexera Mikros Microflow LCMS system enables users operators to realise high sensitivity, with the reliability and ruggedness of HPLC. System configuration options include a direct injection system for sample volume-limited analyses, achieving rapid and highly sensitive micro LCMS analysis without sample loss. A trap and elute system is available for analyses with larger injection volumes or when some degree of sample cleanup is desirable. A make-up flow system includes the addition of a post-column make-up flow pump, allowing mobile phase modifiers to be added, ensuring the highest ionisation efficiency in the MS source.
The LCMS-9030 Q-TOF system is a research-grade mass spectrometer designed to deliver high-resolution, accurate-mass detection with fast data acquisition rates. It features UFaccumulation to create a precise pulse of ions into the flight tube optimised for high sensitivity and achieves high resolution using iRefTOF reflectron technology.
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