Prior Scientific’s Z-Deck range is a high quality, height adjustable platform designed specifically for upright microscopes widely used in electrophysiology and neuroscience.
Compatible with most commercially available vibration isolation tables, the Z-Deck offers a highly stable platform to ensure the experimental area is as smooth and vibration free as possible.
A large top plate provides an extensive surface area suitable for a range of tasks and with enough space to set up even complex experiments - including those involving environmentally-controlled chambers, micromanipulators and other instruments.
Its breadboard design (6mm holes on 25mm centres) is ideal for accurately and quickly mounting equipment.
Further features include pneumatic piston towers which allow effortless lowering and raising of the platform, without the use of tools and compatibility with Prior's range of inserts, including the NanoScanZ, designed to provide exceptionally fine movement in the Z-Axis.
This deck configuration facilitates Köhler illumination at a range of imaging heights.
To meet the differing requirements of scientists Prior produces a variety of Z-Decks – motorised, manual and fixed.
For applications demanding exceptionally precise movements in the X and Y axes, the motorised Z-Deck with sub-micron resolution and Prior’s IST technology provides accuracy and repeatability.
Adding 50 nm linear encoders to the Z-Deck stage increases stage precision, required for high magnification imaging applications. The ProScan III controls the Z-Deck stage and other Prior equipment and can be easily integrated into most
imaging software.
In applications where electrical noise might be an issue, the power to the motors of the motorised Z-Deck can be switched off after movement. The manual Z-Deck can be finely controlled in its XY movement without the presence of any electrical motors, while otherwise retaining all the advantages of the conventional Z-Deck.
For users who do not require XY movement from a stage, the Fixed Z Deck provides a robust, stable, and rapidly height adjustable platform.