The CryoMill from Retsch was developed specifically for cryogenic grinding and features an integrated cooling system.
The continuous cooling of grinding jar and sample with liquid nitrogen ensures a highly effective grinding process. Operation is very safe as the user does not come into contact with liquid nitrogen at any point.
Cryogenic grinding involves the use of dry ice or liquid nitrogen as grinding aid, which make the sample brittle and let it break more easily.
The negative effects of the frictional heat generated by the grinding process are also eliminated so that, for example, volatile sample components are preserved.
Further Retsch mills which can be used for cryogenic grinding using appropriate accessories include the Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 200, Mixer Mill MM 400, Cutting Mill SM 300, Knife Mill GM 300 and Mortar Grinder RM 200.
The company has also produced several application videos for cryogenic grinding which can be watched on the website: www.retsch.com.