Lamy Rheology has produced an application file to illustrate the use of their ALL IN ONE rheometer for analysing plastic viscosity and yield value measurements on coating chocolates.
Lamy Rheology Instruments’s ALL IN ONE rheometer is an easy to use instrument with an innovative design that can adapt to changing needs in rheological measurements thanks to a wide range of different measuring geometries e.g. coaxial cylinders, cone-plates and disposable systems.
By using the ALL IN ONE in conjunction with the MS-C or MS-DIN35 measuring systems, Peltier AIR-AIR temperature control and Rheomatic-P software, Lamy are able to measure plastic viscosity and yield value on coating chocolate to the IOCCC F/1973 standard. Results obtained are characteristic of shear-thinning fluids i.e. with yield stress.
You can download the full application file from this page, as well as a bonus application file on acrylic and oil-based paint rheology.