Working in tandem with Biopharma Group throughout Europe, Kinematics & Controls Corporation is a world leader in equipment employing the volumetric filling technique, an important method of interest to all companies dependent on the transference of powdered materials.
Manual hand filling and weighing techniques have limitations when it comes to the industrial scale manipulation of defined quantities of powders. For this reason accurate, reliable methods of powder filling, which do not compromise the material in any way, are highly desirable. Volumetric powder filling is one such method and its application can help streamline processing and increase productivity.
This approach uses an integrated vacuum system to draw material up into an orifice of known dimensions, with the optimal filling system determined by the application they are being used for and material properties such as powder coarseness, concentration gradients and uniformity, bulk density and type of flow.
Kinematics & Controls Corporation are world leaders in the design and manufacture of volumetric powder filling instruments producing a range of equipment available exclusively in Europe the UK through Biopharma Group.
A variety of systems are available to help simplify operations and increase efficiency with all systems capable of running for long periods with low maintenance while maintaining accurate measuring and dispensing into the appropriate containers. The size of powder particles moved will affect the selection of the base machine, the volumetric dosing barrel and the instrument filter type.
Larger filter pores (40µm as opposed to 20µm) can improve the airflow through the dosing gun and aid in product compaction, thus reducing potential product waste by simultaneous dose and filter purge. During the dosing process, the residue powder inside the dosing chamber and on top of the filter can then be expelled accurately by applying user-defined pressure.
The flexibility that Kinematics offers in their systems, alongside the quality of design and construction, has helped Kinematics become an acknowledged leader in this technology. By identifying a suitable filling solution for target powdered material now, at the outset, you can minimise potential for operational problems over time, significantly reducing manufacturing expenditure, while building confidence in scale up capacity.
To book a powder test on the Kinematic 4400/VC system or discuss how their systems can help your production, contact Marta Romaniuk at Biopharma Group on mromaniuk@biopharma.co.uk or +44 (0)1962 841092