Autoscribe Informatics has released the New Matrix Gemini Web application – a major upgrade to the underlying technology for Matrix Gemini.
Ensuring that Matrix Gemini will continue to meet the changing requirements of a modern laboratory informatics solution, the New Web application offers LIMS workflow, screens, menus, lists and all other configurable options in the same way as the existing Desktop and Web applications. Configurations are created and modified using the built-in Matrix Configuration Tools and, after approval, are instantly available to the users in all three applications.
Configuring details are held on a separate database from underlying software to ensure one is not affected by the other. All configuration changes are recorded in an audit trail and released in a controlled way. Users can revert to any previous version if required as a complete history is recorded.
Customers upgrading from a previous version of Matrix Gemini will be automatically able to take advantage of the New Web application, exactly as they accessed their Desktop and Web configurations in previous releases.
“Managing configuration changes through an audit controlled graphical editor gives system administrators total control over the changes they make and provides a complete historical record of those changes,” said Simon Wood, Product Manager. “If necessary, updates can be revoked at the touch of a button. This is simply not possible in systems that use hard coded configuration. Having the evidence of changes built into the system means it is simpler and easier to answer questions auditors may have about how and when functionality has been modified.”
The New Web application is available with immediate effect as a beta release in v6.5. Current customers are encouraged to load both the Web and New Web applications side-by-side and fully test their LIMS configuration using example typical test cases to ensure expected functionality.
“The introduction of the New Web application has significantly enhanced our product and ensures that it will continue to meet the needs of customers now and for the future,” continued Simon. “This, combined with significant performance improvements in key areas, will bring major benefits to users. Combine this with the new look and feel of the New Web application and it is easy to see why Matrix Gemini LIMS is the compelling solution for today’s connected laboratory.”
Read more about it here.