Alpha Laboratories Ltd’s LaboraTree scheme is now even greener, with half as many tip tokens needed to plant a tree.
The company’s Fastrak tip refills and ZAP Premier filter tips are manufactured in an eco-efficient facility that uses renewable resources, reduces energy consumption, eliminates harmful chemicals, and reduces waste and emissions. In addition, the LaboraTree scheme has planted more than 2400 trees since its launch 11 years ago.
LaboraTree was relaunched with an updated look for 2022, and now only 15 tokens are needed to qualify for a tree to be planted. For the same number of pipette tips used in the lab, members can contribute twice as many trees for a greater environmental benefit.
Alpha Laboratories works with tree planting partners like The Woodland Trust and EFORESTS to ensure the optimal species of trees and locations are used for the most positive impact on the local environment across the UK. Volunteers work to ensure the trees are planted and maintained properly to live to maturity.
With LaboraTree, members collect tokens on purchases of Fastrak pipette tip refills and ZAP Premier filter tips – both made using 30% power from solar panels and which come in minimal and recyclable packaging.
To find out how the scheme works and view the tree planting progress visit: www.alphalabs.co.uk/laboratree