Bliss virtual slide scanning system allows scientists to create virtual slides of whole brain slices or other biological specimens traditionally mounted on 1x3 inch and 2x3-inch laboratory slides
The Bliss virtual slide scanning system, available from Olympus and its wholly owned subsidiary Bacus Laboratories (BLI), combines a fully automated Olympus microscope workstation, service and training with BLI's proprietary virtual slide technology to allow entire specimen slides of varying sizes to be stored digitally, shared with colleagues over the internet, and used for research, teaching, training or publishing.
In addition, the system allows simultaneous viewing, analysis and measurement of virtual slide specimens at high and low magnifications.
The Bliss system solves significant problems inherent in digitizing and storing complete, full resolution virtual microscope slides and distributing them using current computer technology.
Using a patented method of image tiling that fuses multiple image tiles captured at any supported microscope objective magnification, the Bliss system creates images of user-defined size and spatial resolution up to digitizing an entire 2x3-inch microscope slide.
Image scans are saved in the unique multi-resolution WebSlide format, which delivers a very high quality virtual microscope slide constructed with low and high power objective scans in registration with each other.