Complete three-dimensional imaging of intact tablet cores and coatings is now possible thanks to the launch by TeraView of the first commercial terahertz (THz) imaging system, the TPI imaga 2000
The TPI imaga 2000 is described as a revolutionary technology which will enhance production line QC and assurance testing within the manufacturing process through non-destructive volumetric imaging to determine tablet coating thickness, uniformity and distribution.
It will also enable the speedy identification of cracks, dislocations and other structural defects, such as delaminations in single and multilayer tablet cores.
In less than 20ms, this patented technology is able to create spectroscopic signatures not found at other wavelengths, providing unparalleled insight into the chemical nature and three-dimensional structure of samples.
The TPI imaga 2000 not only reveals structural imperfections such as cracks and delaminations, but is also able to map the ingredients in coating and core formulations.
As the world's first company solely devoted to the commercial application of THz light for spectroscopy and imaging, TeraView has developed the TPI imaga 2000 exploiting semi-conductor based THz pulsed technology.
Sitting between the microwave and infrared frequencies, THz represents the last unexplored region of the radio wave and light spectrum.
"The unobtrusive nature of the TPI imaga 2000, the impressive resolution of images, and the sheer speed of process to results, allows for tablet formulation evaluation, re-examination and application from pharmaceutical development through production line quality and assurance testing within the manufacturing process," commented Philip Taday, head of applications at TeraView .