Offering the wide range of Fiberlite rotors, DJB Labcare is happy to advise on the suitability and practicality of purchasing a carbon fibre rotor for your new or existing centrifuge
DJB Labcare now offers a wide range of Fiberlite centrifuge rotors.
Inclusive of a lifetime warranty, this carbon fibre alternative will not corrode, does not fatigue and is up to 65% lighter than its metallic counterpart.
Offering the wide range of Fiberlite rotors, DJB Labcare is happy to advise on the suitability and practicality of purchasing a carbon fibre rotor for your new or existing centrifuge.
With sizes from 1.5ml to 1000ml, this range includes carbon fibre options for centrifuges from Beckman, Sorvall, Jouan and other leading manufacturers.
Fiberlite rotors consist of carbon fibres embedded in an inert epoxy resin.
With up to 65% of the composite structure consisting of carbon fibres, the result is a centrifuge rotor with unprecedented strength, high resistance to corrosion, heat, fatigue and other environmental influences.
The excellent insulating properties mean that samples are kept at a constant temperature during centrifugation.
Another great advantage is the reduction in weight.
A carbon fibre rotor will typically weigh half as much as its aluminium equivalent, which not only makes it easier to handle but also equates to less wear and tear on the centrifuge drive system.
As an independent laboratory centrifuge specialist, DJB Labcare have for years offered advice to customers on the safest and most practical solutions to their requirements.
Fiberlite rotors are a new, highly worthwhile addition to their range due to the inherent safety and reliability of the products.
To date the manufacturer Piramoon Technologies holds an unbroken record of zero rotor failures.