Available from ChromSolutions are a range of on site training courses for that deals with sample preparation issues in chromatography and mass spectrometry
The courses focus mainly on the use of solid phase extraction for the extraction and analysis for a wide variety of compounds from many different sample types.
The first course for pharmaceutical analysis deals with the handling of samples for bio analysis and specifically how this links together with the use of LC/MS.
In addition to this for pharmaceutical analysis, a course is offered that deals with purification of samples from synthesis procedures and also covers the principles and techniques for flash chromatography.
With regard to environmental analysis this course goes into a lot of detail about the isolation and analysis of priority pollutants in food, soil, water, and air.
All courses are designed to last one day and consist of a core theory concerning the main principles of SPE lasting a half day, followed by another half day on the topic of specialisation.
The courses look at current theory and practice as well as new techniques and technologies.
Some of the new material discusses procedures of sample preparation for proteomics prior to MS analysis.
These courses are ideally suited for laboratory analysts that are new to chromatography or for anyone wanting a refresher about these techniques.
Courses can be held on site or at a local venue.