Manufactured by Hamamatsu and distributed by Olympus in the USA and Canada, Nanozoomer allows pathologists and researchers to do fast, accurate slide scanning for analysis, publication or archiving
The Nanozoomer, a virtual microscopy system, now offers a fluorescence attachment that allows high-throughput conversion of fluorescence glass slides into high-quality digital slides.
Nanozoomer, which also offers brightfield slide capability, is part of Olympus's comprehensive offering of imaging-based systems and solutions for the pathology suite.
With the click of a button, up to 210 slides are automatically scanned at 20x or 40x using three 4096x64 pixel time delay and integration (TDI) CCD imaging sensors.
Because the sensors provide a highly efficient optical system, higher-speed scanning is possible with reduced specimen photobleaching.
The end result is a high-quality virtual fluorescence slide in just minutes.
Digital slide technology allows the user to scan and archive entire slides at high resolution without degradation of image quality, eliminating the potential for image fading that usually hampers fluorescence slide archiving.
Users can compare the fluorescence image with other samples for qualitative and quantitative studies.
An image of the entire slide is available on a large monitor, and the user can easily select specific points for further magnification and observation.
Digitized samples can be copied and edited for teaching or consultation.
Nanozoomer is compatible with a variety of third-party analysis packages.