Dayoptics introduces its specially-designed achromatic waveplates by using four pieces of low order quartz waveplates
These achromatic waveplates are computer designed and optimised for minimum RMS retardance error over a broad spectral range.
The achromatic waveplates maintain a nearly constant retardance over a range of wavelength (200nm).
The company also launches its MgF2 single crystal, a birefrigent material with particular properties.
It has a high resistance to mechanical and thermal shock and radiation.
Besides, it has wide transparent range down to 130nm and high transmissibility; it is the best material for DUV polariser application.
Dayoptics DUV Rochon polariser is made of two birefringent MgF2 prisms optical contacted together.
Both ordinary and extraordinary beams propagate collinearly down the optic axis in the first prism under the ordinary refractive index.
Upon entering the second prism the ordinary beam experiences the same refractive index and continues un-deviated.
The extra-ordinary beam, however, now has a lower refractive index and is refracted at the interface.
Any separation angle can be designed for specific wavelength upon requirement.