A new version (v1.30) of Yokogawa's Xviewer waveform viewing software includes a report generation function that allows waveforms to be co-ordinated with measurement results and text data
Using the enhanced software, a report can be made using displayed waveforms, cursor values, parameter measurement results and any text data.
Five kinds of report files (samples) are provided by default and can be edited freely.
Each element - text, window image, measurement results or cursor values - can be selected and edited, and basic information such as header, footer, date, author and comments can be defined.
Xviewer is a PC software application designed to work with Yokogawa's DL Series of digital oscilloscopes and the DL750, DL750P and SL1400 ScopeCorders.
It will display DL-acquired waveform data, perform file transfers, and control DL Series instruments remotely.
In addition to simply displaying the waveform data, Xviewer features many of the same functions that the DL Series instruments offer, including zoom display, cursor measurements, calculation of waveform parameters, and powerful waveform mathematics.
Binary waveform data can be converted to CSV or Excel format and opened using a spreadsheet program.
Unlike Excel, which is limited in the amount of data that it can handle (a maximum of 1,048,576 rows), XViewer can import and handle the maximum amount of sample data that the instrument can store: up to GigaWord for the DL750 and DL750P ScopeCorders.
In addition, Xviewer allows users to transfer files between the DL Series instruments and a PC, as well as providing remote control of the instruments from the PC, via interfaces that include ethernet, USB, TMC, and GPIB.
Xviewer also enables offline waveform display, computation, and analysis of data captured using Yokogawa's WE7000 series of PC-based measurement instruments.