At Pittcon 2008, Lew Brown of Fluid Imaging Technologies will demonstrate the latest methods for accurately identifying different particle types within a heterogeneous solution
In an all-new technical programme to be presented at Pittcon 2008, particle imaging expert Lew Brown of Fluid Imaging Technologies plans to demonstrate the latest methods for accurately identifying different particle types within a heterogeneous solution, including troublesome particles with vastly different shapes that share the same equivalent spherical diameter (ESD).
Developed for lab managers, research scientists, chemical engineers, food technologists, QA/QC managers, water quality professionals and others, 'Real-time particle classification using pattern recognition' is to reveal how combining sophisticated pattern recognition technology with an automated particle imaging system now offers the ability to visually characterise particles faster than ever before while yielding highly accurate data for highly actionable analysis.
Brown, a perennial Pittcon presenter, plans to illustrate these particle analysis advances using actual images of yeast at several stages in the fermentation process and of agglomerates to verify whether they are truly agglomerates, oversized particles or impurities, among other images.
The images to be shown were imaged by the Flowcam, the patented particle imaging and analysis system that automatically takes hi-res digital images of each particle in a fluid sample, discrete or in situ, and saves them in an image library for analysis and pattern recognition.
The Pittcon technical programme, session 1920, Process analytical techniques, is to be held on Wednesday 5 March 2008 in New Orleans, USA.